Attachée for Science and Technology, Embaassy of France visited ASHBi
On November 13, 2024, Adeline Lassaux (Attachée for Science and Technology, Embassy of France) and Antoine Buss (Deputy Attaché for Science and Technology, Embassy of France) visited ASHBi. ASHBi Director Mitinori Saitou, Core Head (SignAC) Takuya Yamamoto and Administrative Director Tadashi Ogawa participated the meeting to introduce ASHBi and to exchange opinions.
L to R: Takuya Yamamoto(Core Head-SignAC), Antoine Buss(Deputy Attaché, Embassy of France), Mitinori Saitou(Director, ASHBi)、Adeline Lassaux(Attachée, Embassy of France), Tadashi Ogawa(Administrative Director, ASHBi)