October 12, 2023
We will have ASHBi Seminar with Dr. Hiroshi Ochiai from Kyushu University as a lecturer.
Prof. Hiroshi Ochiai of the Medical Institute of Bioregulation at Kyushu University conducts research aiming to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of transcriptional dynamics. He utilizes cutting-edge techniques such as live-cell imaging, genome editing, and single-cell omics analyses. In this seminar, he will share the latest insights into higher-order chromatin structures and transcriptional dynamic regulation.
If you have any interest in the topic, you are welcome to attend this seminar.
Revealing regulatory mechanisms of transcriptional dynamics by imaging techniques
Dr. Hiroshi Ochiai
Professor/Kyushu University
Academic researchers and students
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (WPI-ASHBi)