September 29, 2023
On September 29, 2023, Jean-Eric Paquet, the Ambassador of the EU to Japan, and Tom Kuczynski, the Science and Technology Advisor visited ASHBi. From ASHBi, Director Mitinori Saitou, ASHBi PIs Cantas Alev and Yasuhiro Murakawa, Administrative Director Tadashi Ogawa, and URA Makoto Shida participated to introduce ASHBi and to exchange opinions.
Director Saitou introduces ASHBi research activities.
Introduction of the laboratory by PI Alev
Research introduction by PI Murakawa
Exchanging opinions
L to R::Tadashi Ogawa, Yasuhiro Murakawa、Tom Kuczynski(Science and Technology Advisor), Mitinori Saitou,Jean-Eric Paquet(EU Ambassador), Cantas Alev