
Editor-in-Chief of Nature, Dr. Magdalena Skipper gave a seminar at ASHBi

October 18, 2022

Editor-in-Chief of Nature, Dr. Magdalena Skipper gave a seminar at ASHBi

On October 6, 2022, Dr. Magdalena Skipper, Editor-in-Chief of Nature, visited Kyoto University and gave a seminar titled “New Scopes and Editorial Policies of Nature”. Nearly 400 people attended the lecture both onsite and online.

Lecture at the Shiran-kaikan

Active discussion took place during the Q&A session

Q&A session at the seminar

Following the seminar, Dr. Skipper had meetings with ASHBi PIs, Professor Hideki Ueno and Professor Seishi Ogawa.

Discussion with Dr. Ueno at the ASHBi Lounge

Discussion with Dr. Ogawa at the ASHBi Lounge