December 18, 2023
We will have ASHBi Seminar with Dr. Shota Nakanoh from Babraham Institute, as a lecturer.
Dr. Shota Nakanoh earned his bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees from Kyoto University under supervision of Professor Kiyokazu Agata for the studies of embryonic pluripotency in birds and reptiles. He has further developed expertise in human pluripotent stem cells with Professor Ludvic Vallier at University of Cambridge and with Dr. Teresa Rayon at Babraham Institute, UK. In this seminar, Dr. Nakanoh will introduce his recent research on how amniotic and surface ectoderms diverse in human embryos.
If you have any interest in the topic, you are welcome to attend this seminar.
Differentiation of human amniotic and surface ectoderms
Dr. Shota Nakanoh
Postdoctral fellow, Babraham Institute, UK
Academic researchers and students