December 4, 2023
We will have ASHBi/CiRA Joint Distinguished Seminar with Dr. Jennifer Nichols from the University of Edinburgh as a lecturer.
Dr. Jennifer Nichols, Professor of MRC HGU at The University of Edinburgh, is a leading mammalian developmental and stem cell biologist. Her research focuses on lineage specification and regulation, devising genetic systems to investigate processes of mammalian development, initially focussing on preimplantation stages.
If you have any interest in the topic, you are welcome to attend this seminar.
This seminar will follow the ASHBi/CiRA Joint Seminar by Dr. Takuya Azami.
"Early mammalian lineages and stem cell lines"
Jennifer Nichols Ph.D.
Professor | MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and Cancer, The University of Edinburgh
Academic researchers and students
ASHBi Research Acceleration Unit, WPI-ASHBi, Kyoto University
Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, Kyoto University