May 28, 2021
We will have ASHBi Distinguished Seminar with Dr. Jan-Michael Peters from IMP Vienna as a lecturer.
Dr. Jan-Michael Peters, Scientific Director of IMP, Vienna, is a leading scientist for the mechanism of genome architecture and chromosome segregation in mammalian cells. He will talk about an overview and his recent findings on how cohesin folds the genome by loop extrusion.
If you belong to Kyoto University and have any interests in the topic, you are welcome to attend this seminar.
"How cohesin folds the genome by loop extrusion"
Dr. Jan-Michael Peters
Scientific Director, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna
Researchers and students in Kyoto University
Professor Mitinori Saitou
Hosted by Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (WPI-ASHBi)