February 22, 2021
We held the ASHBi Retreat 2021 on February 20, 2021, via Zoom online.
A total of 93 researchers and students participated in the second retreat held by ASHBi.
As a part of the ASHBi Retreat, the 2nd Workshop on ASHBi Fusion Research Grant was held in the morning, and 7 presenters from each fusion research groups reported the progress of their fusion research in FY2020.
The afternoon was the Poster session where 36 poster presenters gave flash talks followed by active discussions between presenters and participants in the breakout rooms.
The research networking session was also held after the poster session, and researchers and students deepened their discussion at the Spatial Chat.
To wrap up the retreat, ASHBi Director Mitinori Saitou awarded the “Excellence in Research Award” to Kumiko Yoshioka-Kobayashi (Alev Group), Akiko Oguchi (Murakawa Group) and Masahiro Nagano (Saitou Group). The three recipients were granted research funding of JPY300000 in FY2021 to promote their research.