February 27, 2024
ASHBi Colloquium is held to deepen our understanding of ASHBi's diverse research fields through presentations and discussions provided by the ASHBi PI groups.
The 42nd ASHBi colloquium will be hosted by Murakawa Group and Seirin Group.
ASHBi PI group researchers/students
[IMPORTANT] Participants shall not disclose any confidential information to others since unpublished data may appear in the presentations.
Kazuhiro Takeuchi, Graduate student
“An atlas of functional elements in the human genome”
Tsubasa Sukekawa, Program-Specific Researcher
“In silico modeling of pattern formations on "real" cell shapes”
Steffen Plunder, Program-Specific Researcher
“Computational modelling of the inter-cellular mechanics leading to limb bud formation”
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology
(WPI-ASHBi), Kyoto University
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