March 28, 2023
(new!) Speakers from the Murakawa Group changed.
ASHBi Colloquium is held to deepen our understanding of ASHBi's diverse research fields through presentations and discussions provided by the ASHBi PI groups.ASHBi PI group researchers/students
[IMPORTANT] Participants shall not disclose any confidential information to others since unpublished data may appear in the presentations.
Shoya Kato Master student, Alouette Zhang Ph.D. Student
“Uncovering novel primate-specific transcripts using full-length RNA sequencing in humans. ”
Tamaki Wakamoto, Master's student
“Optimal therapy for lung and brain cancers using intra- and inter-cellular networks”
Michito Ujino, Undergraduate student
“Structural insights into the PGCLC differentiation network in mouse and human for efficient germ cell generation”
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology
(WPI-ASHBi), Kyoto University
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