September 29, 2020
ASHBi Colloquium is held to deepen our understanding of ASHBi's diverse research fields through presentations and discussions provided from the ASHBi PI groups.
The 10th ASHBi colloquium will be hosted by Yanagita group and Eiraku group.
ASHBi PI group researchers/students
[IMPORTANT] Participants shall not disclose any confidential information to others since unpublished data may appear in the presentations.
Yanagita Group
Yuki Sato, Assistant Professor
“Molecular mechanism of age-dependent tertiary lymphoid tissue formation in the kidney”
Eiraku Group
Kazuya Suzuki, Graduate Student (M2)
“Reconstruction of mouse and human olfactory epithelium using organoid technology”
Hiroyuki Tamiya, JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow
“Sleep-Awake cycle research using brain organoids”
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology
(WPI-ASHBi), Kyoto University
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