Ultrasonic wave disruption system Bioruptor II Type 24 (Sonicbio)


Irradiating ultrasonic waves on a tube containing a sample in a water tank.

It can be used to fragment genomes for chromatin immunoprecipitation and to disrupt bacterial cells for protein purification.

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Ultrasonic wave disruption system  Bioruptor II Type 24 (Sonicbio)


Ultrasonic treatment can be performed with the tube lid closed, which prevents splattering or contamination.

You can process multiple samples simultaneously.

Temperature is controlled by cooling water circulation bathtub.

1.5ml Tube Unit, 15ml Tube Unit and 50ml Tube Unit are available at SignAC.

How to use

Available for ASHBi PI group members.

Please make a reservation in our booking system.

SignAC explains how to use it.