
Secrets of Effective News Releases for Global Reach – Insights from EurekAlert! and WPI Institutes –

Research Acceleration Programs

Secrets of Effective News Releases for Global Reach – Insights from EurekAlert! and WPI Institutes –

Created Date
June 20, 2024

To learn how to create effective international news releases, ASHBi Research Acceleration Unit hosted a workshop on June 20th.

In this workshop, Mr. Brian Lin, Editorial Director of EurekAlert!, one of the world’s largest online news distribution services, shared insights on key points for effective news releases. Additionally, Kavli-IPMU and ITbM, who continually distribute news through EurekAlert!, also joined us to introduce the news release creation processes and strategies at each of the three locations including ASHBi.

The nearly 80 participants, which included not only researchers and public relations officers but also designers and other producers of science graphics, engaged in a lively exchange of ideas from a variety of perspectives.
