With the aim to promote interactions among young scientists from different ASHBi PI groups, we held the ASHBi Retreat 2024 on January 26-27, 2024. This was the 5th ASHBi Retreat held at the Lake Biwa Otsu Prince Hotel, and about 120 researchers and students attended.
On the 26th, there were guest talks by three external researchers and oral presentations by four ASHBi young researchers. On the 27th, after talks by ASHBi PIs and a panel discussion on primate research at ASHBi, four ASHBi young researchers gave oral presentations. During the two-day poster session, a total of 52 researchers and students presented their research and engaged in lively discussions with the attendees.
This year's "Excellence in Research Award" was given to two winners from each category of best oral presentation and best poster. The Best Oral Presentation Award went to Shusei Fujioka (Ueno Group) and Dr. Raku Son (Murakawa Group). The Best Poster Award went to Masahiro Nagano (Saitou Group) and Naoya Torio (Yanagida Group). The four awardees received research grants of JPY300,000 in FY2024 to further their research.