September 30, 2019
This seminar will introduce the use of EurekAlert!* to disseminate research results to overseas media such as the New York Times. Focus will be given to writing a good story and the importance of using visuals (video, illustrations, etc.).
*Run by AAAS, the publisher of Science magazine. Eurek Alert! is the world’s largest science news distribution platform. Many leading universities around the world, including Kyoto University, work with Eurek Alert!
The Story Perspective
David Kornhauser
Office of Global Communications, Director
The Visual Perspective
Tomoki Shimizu
Office of Global Communications, Science Communicator
Hiroko Hashimoto
WPI-ASHBi (Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology)
Pre-registered participants only
Registration Form (Google Form)
(Up to 60 participants)
Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (WPI-ASHBi), Kyoto University
Kyoto University Office of Global Communications
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