特に、我々人間はどう生まれるのか?という本質に迫る生命科学の謎を数理モデル駆動手法(Model driven approach)とデータ駆動手法(Data driven approach)の融合手法を用いて解明しています。また、生物実験自体が難しく、その解決の手法が極めて限られている臨床医学の課題においては、奇抜な発想転換を用いた数理モデリングを屈指し、「かたち」という概念から臨床医学と細胞生物実験を繋ぐ新しい融合研究手法を構築しています。
図1:核の動的変形がゲノム構造の再構築を引き起こす。In vitroの実験(上段)と数理モデルによる再生(下段)。
S. Seirin-Lee*, K. Yamamoto, A. Kimura*(* Co-corresponding),The extra-embryonic space and the local contour are critical geometric constraints regulating cell arrangement (2022) Development. 149,dev200401. doi:10.1242/dev.200401 (Press Released)
S. Seirin-Lee, The role of cytoplasmic MEX-5/6 polarity in asymmetric cell division. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. (2021) 83:29.
S. Seirin-Lee, Y. Yanase, S. Takahagi, M. Hide, Multifarious Eruptions of Urticaria Solved by A Simple Mathematical Equation. PLOS Computational Biology (2020) 16(1): e1007590. (プレスリリース)
S. Seirin-Lee, M. Nomata, M. Mukunoki, Mathematical modeling and regionality-based optimal policy to reduce empty houses, Akiya, in Japan. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2020) 37:365-382. (プレスリリース)
S. Seirin-Lee, Fumitaka Osakada, Junichi Takeda, Satoshi Tashiro, Ryo Kobayashi, Takashi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Ochiai, Role of dynamic nuclear deformation on genomic architecture reorganization. PLOS Computational Biology (2019) 15 (8): e1007289. (プレスリリース)
M. Kuwamura, S. Seirin-Lee, S-I. Ei, Dynamics of localized unimodal patterns in reaction-diffusion systems related to cell polarization by extracellular signaling. SIAM J. on Applied Mathematics (2018) 78, No6, 3238-3257.
S. Seirin Lee, S. Tashiro, A. Awazu, R. Kobayashi, A New Application of the Phase-field Method for Understanding the Reorganization Mechanisms of Nuclear Architecture. Journal of Mathematical Biology (2017) 74, 333-354.
S. Seirin Lee, Lateral Inhibition-Induced Pattern Formation Controlled by the Size and Geometry of the Cell. Journal of Theoretical Biology (2016)404, 51-65.