Kyoto University Institute for the
Advanced Study of Human Biology


Steffen Plunder

Steffen Plunder

研究者 (Seirin G)

Research Field
Mathematical Biology
Personal Website


Mathematical modelling and developmental biology.

With my research, I want to answer questions in biology using mathematical tools. I have worked on mechanical models in developmental biology (epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions), muscle dynamics, molecular dynamics and phage-bacterial interactions.
A common challenge in mathematical biology to build meaningful models despite the huge complexity and often limited data available about biological systems. Especially for models in developmental biology and in vivo systems, on has often not enough data to infer all parameters. My approach is to use computational methods which focus on optimal performance, which allows my collaborators to interact with the model in a quick and responsive manner.
Using new technologies such as the Julia programming language, allows us to build models much faster than in the past.
My mathematical toolset includes mathematical modelling with ordinary, stochastic and partial differential equations. An emphasis lies on constrained systems such as differential inclusions and differential-algebraic equations. My key expertise is the implementation of efficient numerical simulations for such models and the development of models in collaboration with biologists.


I studied mathematics at RPTU Kaiserslautern (2012–2018) with stays at TU Delft (2016) and The University of Auckland (2018), and obtained my PhD at University of Vienna (2019–2023) in Sara Merino-Aceituno's group. I joined ASHBi as a program-specific researcher in February 2023.


S. Plunder, B. Simeon, The mean-field limit for particle systems with uniform full-rank constraints. To appear in Kinetic and Related Models.

S. Plunder, M. Burkard, U. Lauer, S. Venturelli, L. Marongiu, Determination of phage load and administration time in simulated occurrences of antibacterial treatments. Frontiers of Medicine, (2022). DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2022.1040457

S. Plunder, B. Simeon, Coupled Systems of Linear Differential-Algebraic and Kinetic Equations with Application to the Mathematical Modelling of Muscle Tissue. In: Reis, T., Grundel, S., Schöps, S. (eds) Progress in Differential-Algebraic Equations II. Differential-Algebraic Equations Forum. Springer, Cham. (2020). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-53905-4_12



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