We will have an ASHBi SignAC Technology Seminar on 23 June 2023 by Twist Bioscience.
The CRISPR technology has brought a revolution in functional genomics by enabling large-scale genome-wide screens that have uncovered novel gene functions and drug targets. Twist Bioscience, through its silicon-based DNA synthesis platform, is set to accelerate this revolution by providing limitless synthetic DNA. Its highly uniform 300mer oligo pools underpin targeted or genome-wide sgRNA libraries and are helping scientists move to the next generation of screens using combinatorial guide designs, Cas12/Cas13 arrays, and even PRIME editing. In this talk, we’ll discuss how an oligo length of 300 nucleotides can uncap your screening limitations and generate functional genomics data that can power AI-driven guide design.
Please see the following details and kindly attend the seminar if you are interested.
Dr. Julian Jude
(Scientific Development Manager, Twist Bioscience)
"Accelerating the CRISPR Revolution with limitless synthetic DNA"
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京都大学 ASHBi SignAC
Single-Cell Genome Information Analysis Core (SignAC)
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