Kyoto University Institute for the
Advanced Study of Human Biology



OKO International Symposium 2023 – Mathematical Biology from Genes to Cells to Humans
  • 2023.8.28
  • 2023.8.31

OKO International Symposium 2023 – Mathematical Biology from Genes to Cells to Humans

Welcome to the OKO Symposium 2023


The developmental process of life is an orchestra that produces a beautiful harmony of temporal and spatial dynamics of all living units, including genes, cells, tissues, and organs. This symposium aims to share cutting-edge research results in mathematical biology in various life and medical topics ranging from genes to cells to humans, and to provide an opportunity to explore the next generation of mathematical biology.

OKO Symposium 2023 公式ウェブサイト

OKO Sympoisum 2023 - Mathematical Biology from Genes to Cells to Humans

Basic Information

8月28日 (月) – 8月31日 (木) [日本時間]
6/305/31までの早期登録...(学生) 4,000 円 / (その他) 10,000円
6/1 ~ 7/31...(全員) 16,000 円
登録締切: 7月31日 24:00 (JST)




Day 1 – 28 August (Monday)

9:00– Reception
10:20–10:30 Opening Remark

Opening Session – Mathematics in mathematical biology

10:30–11:30 Barbara Keyfitz | The Ohio State University
What hyperbolic partial differential equations can tell us about phenomena in biology
11:30–11:40 Short Break (10 min)

Session Day 1 – Signalling and networks: from genes to cells

11:40–12:20 Pablo A. Iglesias | Johns Hopkins University
The threshold of excitable systems governs wave behavior and cellular morphology
12:20–13:00 Marcus Tindall | University of Reading
Small versus large models: Understanding the global and local control dynamics of biological networks
13:00–14:40 Lunch Break (100 min)
14:40–15:20 Atsushi Mochizuki | Kyoto University
Biological function and functional module originated in structure of network
15:20–16:00 Carsten Conradi | HTW Berlin
Monomial parameterizations in the analysis of biochemical reaction networks
16:00–16:30 Coffee Break (30 min)
16:30–17:00 Adam Maclean | University of Southern California
Inferring the gene regulatory network dynamics that control cell fate decisions
17:00–17:30 Masato Ishikawa | Kyoto University
Inference of gene regulatory networks based on expression dynamics induced by gene perturbations

Day 2 – 29 August (Tuesday)

9:00–10:00 Morning free discussion

Session Day 2 – Cell biology: from math to cellular biophysics

10:00–10:40 Michael Shelley | Flatiron and Courant Institutes
Active Matter and Transport in Living Cells
10:40–11:20 Alex Mogilner | New York University
Rapid and accurate assembly of mitotic spindle
11:20–11:50 Calina Copos | Northeastern University
The theory of the cell motility mechanism in the absence of adhesions
11:50–13:30 Lunch Break (100 min)
13:30–14:10 Adriana Dawes | The Ohio State University
Unraveling the mechanochemical network regulating centrosome dynamics in the early C. elegans embryo
14:10–14:50 Kenta Ishimoto | Kyoto University
Microswimming by odd elasticity
14:50–15:20 Benjamin J. Walker | University of Bath
Emergent rheotaxis of shape-changing swimmers in Poiseuille flow
15:20–15:50 Coffee Break (30 min)
15:50–16:30 Michael Murrell | Yale University
The mechanics of convective cell motion
16:30–17:10 Elebeoba May | University of Wisconsin-Madison
Multicellular and Multiscale Models of Infection Response
17:10–18:30 Poster Session
18:30–20:30 Networking with Banquet Dinner

Day 3 – 30 August (Wednesday)

9:00–10:00 Morning free discussion

Session Day 3 – Developmental biology: from cells to organism

10:00–10:40 Martin Golubitsky | The Ohio State University
Homeostasis in Input-Output Networks
10:40–11:20 Tetsuya Hiraiwa | Academia Sinica
Dynamic Self-Organization of Migrating Cells
11:20–11:50 Steffen Plunder | Kyoto University
The directionality of cell extrusion as a clue to study epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions​
11:50–14:20 Lunch Break (150 min)
14:20–15:00 Makoto Sato | Kanazawa University
Tiling mechanisms of the compound eye through geometrical tessellation
15:00–15:40 Eamonn Gaffney | University of Oxford
Aspects of modelling self-organisation in development
15:40–16:10 Andrew Krause | Durham University
Conceptualizing Mechanistic Hypotheses in Morphogenesis via Dynamical Systems
16:10–16:40 Coffee Break (30 min)
16:40–17:20 Masakazu Akiyama | University of Toyama
A three-dimensional vertex dynamics model for understanding the twisting phenomenon of the hindgut of Drosophila
17:20–18:00 Yoshihiro Morishita | RIKEN
Coding design of positional information in developing tissues and a spacetime coordinate for capturing the essential dynamics of morphogenesis

Day 4 – 31 August (Thursday)

9:00–10:00 Morning free discussion

Session Day 4 – Human Biology: translating science to clinic

10:00–10:40 Mark Coles | University of Oxford
Combining Experimental, Systems and Computational approaches to accelerate and de-risk immunotherapy development for cancer, infectious disease and inflammatory disease
10:40–11:20 Anita Layton | University of Waterloo
His and Her Mathematical Models of Physiological Systems
11:20–11:50 Mizuka Komatsu | Kobe University
Algebraic approaches to quantitative modeling of dynamic biological systems
11:50–13:30 Lunch Break (100 min)
13:30–14:10 S. Seirin-Lee | Kyoto University
Mathematical Dermatology linking Eruption Morphology and Skin Disease
14:10–14:40 Mariia Dvoriashyna | University of Edinburgh
Aqueous Humour Production: A Mathematical Model
14:40–14:50 Short Break (10 min)
14:50–15:20 Jessica Crawshaw | University of Oxford
The important role of hierarchical Bayesian inference in understanding macular degeneration treatment strategies
15:20–16:00 Mariko Okada | Osaka University
A Computational Platform for Patient-specific Modeling
16:00–16:30 Coffee Break (30 min)

Closing Session – Mathematical Biology, current perspectives and future prospects

16:30–17:30 Leah Edelstein-Keshet | The University of British Columbia)
Mathematical biology of motile cells, past, present, and future
17:30–18:00 Closing remarks


  • Adriana Dawes | Ohio State University, USA
  • Atsushi Mochizuki | Kyoto University, Japan
  • Eamonn Gaffney | University of Oxford, UK
  • S. Seirin-Lee | Kyoto University, Japan


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