研究者 (平岡G)
図1. 研究の概略図
2016年九州大学大学院数理学府 博士後期課程修了。2016年-2019年東北大学知の創出センター特任助教。2019年-2022年京都大学ヒト生物学高等研究拠点特定助教。2022年9月より現職。
Y Imoto, T Nakamura, E G Escolar, M Yoshiwaki, Y Kojima, Y Yabuta, Y Katou, T Yamamoto, Y Hiraoka, M Saitou. Resolution of the curse of dimensionality in single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis. Life Science Alliance, Vol. 5 (12), e202201591, 2022.
Y Imoto. Difference between smoothed particle hydrodynamics and moving particle semi-implicit operators. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 395, 115012, 2022.
M Fujikawa, M Tanaka, N Mitsume and Y Imoto. Hyper-dual number-based numerical differentiation of eigensystems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 390, 114452, 2022.
Y Imoto, N Yamanaka, T Uramoto, M Tanaka, M Fujikawa and N Mitsume. Fundamental theorem of matrix representations of hyper-dual numbers for computing higher-order derivatives, JSIAM Letters, Vol. 12, pp. 29–32, 2020.
Y Imoto. Truncation error estimates of approximate operators in a generalized particle method. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 37, pp. 565–598, 2020.
Y Imoto, S Tsuzuki, and D Nishiura. Convergence study and optimal weight functions of an explicit particle method for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 671–694, 2019.
D Morikawa, M Asai, N Idris, Y Imoto, and M Isshiki. Improvements in highly viscous fluid simulation using a fully implicit SPH method. Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (4), pp. 529–544, 2019.
Y Imoto. Unique solvability and stability analysis for incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method. Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 297–309, 2019.
Y Imoto. Unique solvability and stability of a generalized particle method for a Poisson equation in discrete Sobolev norms. Applications of Mathematics, Vol. 64 (1), pp. 33–43, 2019.
日本応用数理学会 論文賞 JSIAM Letters部門 (2020)
日本数学会 応用数学研究奨励賞(2018)