poster presentation
4.Causal role of the primate anterior insular cortex in decision making with uncertainty of reward acquisition
3.Anterior insular cortex of non-human primate may have a causal role in decision-making with uncertainty of reward acquisition
2.Don't blame yourself when burnt out! Selective silencing of the ventral striatum-ventral pallidum pathway enhances motivational states under approach-avoidance conflict in nonhuman primates. 2024年7月「WPI site visit」ポスター発表 Jungmin OH, Satoko Amemori, Ken-ichi Amemori.
1.Cingulate microstimulation induces negative bias via dampened top-down cognitive influence on primate limbic network Satoko Amemori, Ann M Graybiel, Ken-ichi Amemori
FENS Forum 2024 2024年6月26日
1.「バルーンアナログリスク課題遂行中の非ヒト霊長類の損失回避傾向の計算論的解読」日本生理学会第100回記念大会 2023.3.16 伊東諒、加藤利佳子、石井信、雨森賢一