Professor & PI

Sungrim Seirin-Lee

李聖林・い せいりん

  • Editorial Board

    Journal of Theoretical Biology, CSIAM Transactions on Life Sciences, PLOS ONE

  • Committee Member

    JSIAM日本応用数理学会・国際活動委員、MSJ日本数学会・応用数理分科会委員、日本数学会 Memoirs 編集委員、JSMB日本数理生物学会・運営委員、JSMB学術委員

  • Affiliated Academic

    日本数学会(MSJ), 日本応用数理学会(JSIAM), 日本数理生物学会(JSMB), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics(SIAM), Society for Mathematical Biology(SMB), 日本発生生物学会(JSDB), 日本皮膚研究科学会(JSID), 日本免疫学会(JSI)

  • Jan 2023 ~ Current

    (Concurrent post) Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University


  • Oct 2021 ~ Current

    Professor & PI, ASHBi, KUIAS, Kyoto University

    京都大学・高等研究院・教授 (Tenure)

  • Apr 2020 ~ Sep 2021

    Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University

    広島大学・数学科・教授 (Tenure)

  • Apr 2017 ~ Mar 2020

    Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University

    広島大学・数学科・准教授 (Tenure)

    ・Oct 2016 ~ Mar 2020 (Concurrent post) JST PRESTO さきがけ Researcher

  • Apr 2014 ~ Mar 2017

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University

  • Apr 2010 ~ Mar 2014

    (Postdoc) JSPS PD, The University of Tokyo/University of Oxford, RIKEN CDB & Hiroshima University

    ・Apr 2010 ~ Sep 2010 (Visiting Researcher) WCMB/OCCIAM, University of Oxford

    ・Jun 2012 ~ Mar 2013 (Full-time motherhood) Maternity leave

  • ~ Mar 2010

    Master and PhD (Dean Award) in Environmental Science, Okayama University, Japan

    ・Apr 2008 ~ Mar 2010 (PhD student) JSPS DC1, Okayama University

    ・Nov 2008 ~ Sep 2009 (PhD student) Study abroad to University of Oxford (Supervised by Prof. Eamonn Gaffney , Wolfson Center for Mathematical Biology(WCMB), Mathematical Institute)

  • Full-time housewife , Leave academia

  • Master in Mathematics , Pusan National University, Korea

  • Bachelor (Silver Award) in Mathematics , Pusan National University, Korea


Antoine Diez

ディエズ アントワーン

Before joining Seirin’s lab, I did my PhD at Imperial College London in the group of P. Degond and before that, I completed my Master studies in France (at ENS Rennes and Lyon) where I was born. I am interested in the question of emergence of self-organized patterns across scales in biological systems. In particular, I have spent a significant research time on the study of interacting particle systems and trying to understand the influence of geometrical constraints. As a mathematician and modeller, my favorite tools are nonlinear PDEs, stochastic analysis and computer simulations.


Steffen Plunder

プランダー ステフェン

I was once asked if "I want to answer mathematical questions or scientific ones". This question changed my research forever, and since then, I have focused on applying math to answer questions in biology. I believe that a truly interdisciplinary spirit is key to dealing with the complexity of living organisms and I love to develop efficient numerical simulations together with and for my collaborators. During my PhD with Sara Merino (University of Vienna), I modelled and simulated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions and mesenchymal cell migration.


Tsubasa Sukekawa

祐川 翼

I am interested in a patten formation phenomena in biology. I have been studying the mathematical analysis for the pattern formation problem in reaction-diffusion systems. Currently, model equation for cell polarity is my research topic. I am interested in and studying the stability of stationary solution and the dynamics of solution for the cell polarity model. My aim in ASHBi is exploring a general property in biological phenomena through model equations and making it clear by numerical and mathematical analysis.


Ying Xie

謝 穎

During my Master and PhD studies at Prof. Seno’s lab (Tohoku University), I focused on population dynamics models on the relation of social nature to the epidemics. Specifically, I constructed ODE models incorporating social nature from the aspects of social response, community policy, and detectability of disease infection, to understand the complex interplay between social behavior and disease transmission. I am interested in clarifying the characteristics of life and social phenomena, addressing biological problems with mathematical tools, and exploring the application of theoretical insights in life sciences.


Jinghao Chen

陳 京浩

Before joining Seirin’s lab, I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Irvine, under the supervision of Prof. John Lowengrub. My research primarily focuses on mathematical biology, where I develop mathematical models that incorporate differential equations to capture and explore a wide range of biological patterns and phenomena. One of the aspects I find most rewarding about interdisciplinary research is the opportunity to forge strong connections with scientists from diverse fields across the globe, fostering a world without borders. In addition to my academic pursuits, I am passionate about the philosophy and insights gained from sports training, particularly through running marathons and practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Graduate School Student (Hiroshima Univ/ASHBi), Studying abroad at ASHBi

Tamaki Wakamoto

若本 環希

Research : Notch-Delta Pattern Formation
Special Skills & Hobbies: Tidying up, Music appreciation, Reading comics (Manga), Karaoke

Medical Student (ASHBi/Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University)

Michito Ujino

氏野 道統

I love mathematical biology, especially mathematical model of cell differentiation and proliferation. I also loves physics since I was a player of International Physics Olympiad. I do my best and find interesting things!
Awards: Silver Medal in International Physics Olympiad 2017

Undergraduate School Student (Faculty of Science, Kyoto University)

Asayuki Kitajima

北島 旦之

When I was a high school student, I learned about Turing patterns on TV and became interested in mathematical biology. Now, I am studying mathematical biology with reading a book of killer cell dynamics. As of now, I am interested in various fields of biology, and I want to broaden my knowledge through studying at ASHBi!
Hobbies: cycling and hiking

Lab Programmer & Lab URA

Takahiro Hiraga

平賀 隆寛

・PhD of Mathematical Science, Hiroshima University (Oct. 2022)
・License collector (Hobbies?): Full driver’s license and Permit of Boat’s Operator (1st grade)


Chie Shirai

白井 知恵

I was born in Tottori prefecture,and I moved to Kyoto for marriage.
I'm good at "soroban"(Japanese calculator),so I can calculate without calculator when I go shopping.

MD-Course Student

Kana Okazaki

MD-Course Student

Towa harikae

Research visiting student

Oğuzkan İlmaz

I am interested in mathematical biology and like to analyse papers in this field. I also read about stem cell research and cellular therapies.

Permanent Visiting Fellow

Hiroshi Matano

俣野 博

After retiring from the University of Tokyo, I moved to Meiji University in 2018 and spent five years at Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences (MIMS). I retired in March 2023, but I am still affiliated with Meiji University with a special emeritus position.

My main field of research is the qualitative theory of nonlinear partial differential equations and its applications to biology and other fields of sciences. More specifically, I am interested in such research themes as propagation phenomena in reaction-diffusion equations, blow-up of solutions, relation between stability and domain geometry, dynamics of free boundaries, epidemiological models, and so on.

Hiroshi Ishii

石井 宙志

I have an interest in pattern formation in biological phenomena. I have been developing analytical methods to understand pattern dynamics for reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal effects, and applying them to mathematical models.





 Mr. Oğuzkan İlmaz , Giresun University (Oct. 22- Nov. 28, 2024)

Future visitors

Past visitors

 Mr. Ryunosuke Saito , Hosei University (May. 27-31, 2024)
 Prof. Eric Theveneau , Université Paul Sabatier (Dec. 4-6 and 8th, 2023) : Website
 Dr. Michèle Romanos , Camille Jordan Institute, Lyon (Dec. 4 - 8, 2023) : Website
 Mr. Louis-Pierre Chaintron , École Normale Supérieure, Université PSL (Dec. 4 - 8, 2023) : Website
 Prof. Adriana Dawes , The Ohio State University (Jul. 28 - Sep. 28, 2023) : Website
 Prof. Sara Merino , University of Vienna (Aug. 28 - Sep. 8, 2023) : Website
 Ms. Sara Jolliffe , University of Oxford (Aug. 23 - Sep. 4, 2023) : Website
 Prof. Eamonn Gaffney , University of Oxford (Aug. 12 - 31, 2023) : Website
 Prof. Philip K. Maini, University of Oxford (Jul. 24 - 31, 2023) : Website
 Mr.Sébastien Mace , The École Normale Supérieure de Rennes (ENS Rennes) (May 15 - July 15, 2023)
 Dr. Niklas Kolbe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Apr 13 - 26, 2023) : Website