Professor & PI
李聖林・い せいりん
Editorial Board
Journal of Theoretical Biology, CSIAM Transactions on Life Sciences, PLOS ONE
Committee Member
JSIAM日本応用数理学会・国際活動委員、MSJ日本数学会・応用数理分科会委員、日本数学会 Memoirs 編集委員、JSMB日本数理生物学会・運営委員、JSMB学術委員
Affiliated Academic
日本数学会(MSJ), 日本応用数理学会(JSIAM), 日本数理生物学会(JSMB), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics(SIAM), Society for Mathematical Biology(SMB), 日本発生生物学会(JSDB), 日本皮膚研究科学会(JSID), 日本免疫学会(JSI)
Jan 2023 ~ Current
(Concurrent post) Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Oct 2021 ~ Current
Professor & PI, ASHBi, KUIAS, Kyoto University
京都大学・高等研究院・教授 (Tenure)
Apr 2020 ~ Sep 2021
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University
広島大学・数学科・教授 (Tenure)
Apr 2017 ~ Mar 2020
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University
広島大学・数学科・准教授 (Tenure)
・Oct 2016 ~ Mar 2020 (Concurrent post) JST PRESTO さきがけ Researcher
Apr 2014 ~ Mar 2017
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University
Apr 2010 ~ Mar 2014
(Postdoc) JSPS PD, The University of Tokyo/University of Oxford, RIKEN CDB & Hiroshima University
・Apr 2010 ~ Sep 2010 (Visiting Researcher) WCMB/OCCIAM, University of Oxford
・Jun 2012 ~ Mar 2013 (Full-time motherhood) Maternity leave
~ Mar 2010
Master and PhD (Dean Award) in Environmental Science, Okayama University, Japan
・Apr 2008 ~ Mar 2010 (PhD student) JSPS DC1, Okayama University
・Nov 2008 ~ Sep 2009 (PhD student) Study abroad to University of Oxford (Supervised by Prof. Eamonn Gaffney , Wolfson Center for Mathematical Biology(WCMB), Mathematical Institute)
Full-time housewife , Leave academia
Master in Mathematics , Pusan National University, Korea
Bachelor (Silver Award) in Mathematics , Pusan National University, Korea
ディエズ アントワーン
Before joining Seirin’s lab, I did my PhD at Imperial College London in the group of P. Degond and before that, I completed my Master studies in France (at ENS Rennes and Lyon) where I was born. I am interested in the question of emergence of self-organized patterns across scales in biological systems. In particular, I have spent a significant research time on the study of interacting particle systems and trying to understand the influence of geometrical constraints. As a mathematician and modeller, my favorite tools are nonlinear PDEs, stochastic analysis and computer simulations.
プランダー ステフェン
I was once asked if "I want to answer mathematical questions or scientific ones". This question changed my research forever, and since then, I have focused on applying math to answer questions in biology. I believe that a truly interdisciplinary spirit is key to dealing with the complexity of living organisms and I love to develop efficient numerical simulations together with and for my collaborators. During my PhD with Sara Merino (University of Vienna), I modelled and simulated epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions and mesenchymal cell migration.
祐川 翼
I am interested in a patten formation phenomena in biology. I have been studying the mathematical analysis for the pattern formation problem in reaction-diffusion systems. Currently, model equation for cell polarity is my research topic. I am interested in and studying the stability of stationary solution and the dynamics of solution for the cell polarity model. My aim in ASHBi is exploring a general property in biological phenomena through model equations and making it clear by numerical and mathematical analysis.
謝 穎
During my Master and PhD studies at Prof. Seno’s lab (Tohoku University), I focused on population dynamics models on the relation of social nature to the epidemics. Specifically, I constructed ODE models incorporating social nature from the aspects of social response, community policy, and detectability of disease infection, to understand the complex interplay between social behavior and disease transmission. I am interested in clarifying the characteristics of life and social phenomena, addressing biological problems with mathematical tools, and exploring the application of theoretical insights in life sciences.
陳 京浩
Before joining Seirin’s lab, I earned my PhD in Mathematics from the University of California, Irvine, under the supervision of Prof. John Lowengrub. My research primarily focuses on mathematical biology, where I develop mathematical models that incorporate differential equations to capture and explore a wide range of biological patterns and phenomena. One of the aspects I find most rewarding about interdisciplinary research is the opportunity to forge strong connections with scientists from diverse fields across the globe, fostering a world without borders. In addition to my academic pursuits, I am passionate about the philosophy and insights gained from sports training, particularly through running marathons and practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Graduate School Student (Hiroshima Univ/ASHBi), Studying abroad at ASHBi
若本 環希
Research : Notch-Delta Pattern Formation
Special Skills & Hobbies: Tidying up, Music appreciation, Reading comics (Manga), Karaoke
Medical Student (ASHBi/Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University)
氏野 道統
I love mathematical biology, especially mathematical model of cell differentiation and proliferation. I also loves physics since I was a player of International Physics Olympiad. I do my best and find interesting things!
Awards: Silver Medal in International Physics Olympiad 2017
Undergraduate School Student (Faculty of Science, Kyoto University)
北島 旦之
When I was a high school student, I learned about Turing patterns on TV and became interested in mathematical biology. Now, I am studying mathematical biology with reading a book of killer cell dynamics. As of now, I am interested in various fields of biology, and I want to broaden my knowledge through studying at ASHBi!
Hobbies: cycling and hiking
Lab Programmer & Lab URA
平賀 隆寛
・PhD of Mathematical Science, Hiroshima University (Oct. 2022)
・License collector (Hobbies?): Full driver’s license and Permit of Boat’s Operator (1st grade)
白井 知恵
I was born in Tottori prefecture,and I moved to Kyoto for marriage.
I'm good at "soroban"(Japanese calculator),so I can calculate without calculator when I go shopping.
MD-Course Student
MD-Course Student
I am interested in mathematical biology and like to analyse papers in this field. I also read about stem cell research and cellular therapies.
俣野 博
After retiring from the University of Tokyo, I moved to Meiji University
in 2018 and spent five years at Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of
Mathematical Sciences (MIMS). I retired in March 2023, but I am still
affiliated with Meiji University with a special emeritus position.
My main field of research is the qualitative theory of nonlinear partial
differential equations and its applications to biology and other fields
of sciences. More specifically, I am interested in such research themes
as propagation phenomena in reaction-diffusion equations, blow-up of
solutions, relation between stability and domain geometry, dynamics of
free boundaries, epidemiological models, and so on.
石井 宙志
Assistant professor
I have an interest in pattern formation in biological phenomena. I have been developing analytical methods to understand pattern dynamics for reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal effects, and applying them to mathematical models.
● Mr. Oğuzkan İlmaz , Giresun University (Oct. 22- Nov. 28, 2024)
● Mr. Ryunosuke Saito , Hosei University (May. 27-31, 2024)
● Prof. Eric Theveneau , Université Paul Sabatier (Dec. 4-6 and 8th, 2023)
: Website
● Dr. Michèle Romanos , Camille Jordan Institute, Lyon (Dec. 4 - 8, 2023)
: Website
● Mr. Louis-Pierre Chaintron , École Normale Supérieure, Université PSL (Dec. 4 - 8, 2023)
: Website
● Prof. Adriana Dawes , The Ohio State University (Jul. 28 - Sep. 28, 2023)
: Website
● Prof. Sara Merino , University of Vienna (Aug. 28 - Sep. 8, 2023)
: Website
● Ms. Sara Jolliffe , University of Oxford (Aug. 23 - Sep. 4, 2023)
: Website
● Prof. Eamonn Gaffney , University of Oxford (Aug. 12 - 31, 2023)
: Website
● Prof. Philip K. Maini, University of Oxford (Jul. 24 - 31, 2023)
: Website
● Mr.Sébastien Mace , The École Normale Supérieure de Rennes (ENS Rennes) (May 15 - July 15, 2023)
● Dr. Niklas Kolbe, RWTH Aachen University, Germany (Apr 13 - 26, 2023)
: Website