

村川 泰裕

Yasuhiro Murakawa


I am interested in why we grow old and why we suffer from diseases? My dream is to be able to decipher the mysteries of life and to be able to cure diseases that cannot be cured. I like to discuss these issues over a drink.

He graduated from Kyoto University School of Medicine (2008). After completing his residency at Kyoto University Hospital, he moved to the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany. He obtained his PhD from Free University of Berlin (2014). He has been leading a laboratory at RIKEN since 2016 (Unit Leader at RIKEN Innovation Center since 2016, Team Leader at RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences since 2018, Group leader at IFOM in Milan since 2018). In 2020, he became a professor at the Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study.

Specially appointed assistant professor/JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researcher

シュルティー バーガット

Shruti Bhagat

Specially appointed assistant professor/JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researcher

Shruti aims to understand how the non-coding genome regulates gene expression. She specifically wants to understand the different contributions of promoters and enhancers, and how non-coding risk variants affect molecular gene function. She is currently completing her doctoral degree in the joint RIKEN – Karolinska Institute Ph.D. program. Outside the lab, she likes exploring various cafés and coffee shops.

Assistant professor

濱中 耕平

Kohei Hamanaka

Assistant professor

I am interested in anything and everything with a focus on rare disease genetics and functional genomics and would like to do research.

2012 Entered Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Doctoral Program (Department of Clinical Neurology, Division of Medicine)
2012 Research student (on loan), First Department of Disease Research, National Institute of Neurological Research, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
Obtained Doctor of Medicine in 2016
2009 Research Fellow, Environmental Molecular Medicine (Genetics), Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine
2020 Assistant Professor, the same as above
2023 Current affiliation

Graduate student

竹内 一博

Kazuhiro Takeuchi

Graduate student

和田 典也

Fumiya Wada

Graduate student

He would like to gain deeper understanding of pathogenesis of hematological disease and research for aiming at the cure.

Graduated from Hiroshima University School of Medicine in 2017. He did his residency at Toranomon Hospital, Kobe City Medical Center Chuo Municipal Hospital, and Department of Hematology, Kyoto University Hospital. D. in 2022, Department of Hematology and Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University.
関戸 翔

Sho Skito

Graduate student

He aims to research urologic oncology that can contribute to patients making use of his clinical experience.

Hobbies: Cooking (pasta, curry), Breeding small shrimp, Online English school

Graduated Mie University in 2013. He worked at Suzuka General Hospital, Mie University Hospital, Ise Red Cross Hospital, Aichi Cancer center for the department of Urology. He entered the Graduate School of Medicine, Mie University (Prof. Takahiro Inoue) in 2022.
秋山 大介

Daisuke Akiyama

Graduate student

I am interested in how somatic mutations affect the transcriptome in hematopoietic tumors.

Hobbies: Electric bass, mountain climbing, camping, origami.

Graduated from Kyoto University School of Medicine in 2018. Worked as a resident at Kurashiki Central Hospital and Department of Hematology, Kyoto University Hospital. I enrolled in the doctoral program of Hematology and Oncology at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University in 2023.

Zhiwei (Alouette) Zhang

Graduate student

Alouette is a PhD student supervised by Dr. Simon Gravel and Dr. Yasuhiro Murakawa under the Kyoto-McGill International Collaborative Program in Genomic Medicine. She studies how evolution affected patterns of variation encoded in our genome and among populations. She is actively learning how these regions can link to biological functions and diseases.

Likes: cats, rabbits, drawing

ユン スミ

Sumi Youn

Graduate student

I am interested in sleeping types by gene expression.

Likes : walking, coffee

ロドリゴ ロペス ギティエレス

Rodrigo Lopez Gutierrez

Graduate student

Rodrigo is a PhD student in the Kyoto-McGill International Joint PhD Program in Genomic Medicine. He is interested in using computational genomics to understand the mechanisms regulating gene expression in brain development and disease. More specifically, he aims to define the regulation driving oncogenic fusions in pediatric brain tumors.

Likes: travelling, baking

千田 晃嘉

Akiyoshi Senda

Graduate student

I would like to discover new insights into complex skin diseases through cutting-edge functional genomics.
Graduated from faculty of medicine, Kyoto University in 2019. Residency in department of Dermatology, Kyoto University.

Likes: skiing, cycling, running, tea&coffee and French (Bonjour !)

After graduating from Kyoto University School of Medicine in 2019, he started his dermatology training at Kyoto University Hospital and Fukui Red Cross Hospital in 2021 as one of the first students of the clinical research physician course of the Japan Medical Specialist Organization at the Department of Dermatology, Kyoto University Hospital.
From 2023, he is enrolled in the doctoral course at the Department of Dermatology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University.
加藤 匠矢

Shoya Kato

Graduate student

I am interested in what kind of changes occur in genes when humans suffer from diseases. In particular, I would like to conduct research that will lead to new diagnosis and treatment using genes.

Hobbies : Mountain climbing, photography

In 2022, he graduated from the Department of Human Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University. In April of the same year, he entered the Master's Program in Human Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University.
李 政昌

Zhengchang Li

Graduate student

I focus on using computational methods and genomics to explore the complexity of neurological diseases, especially the heterogeneity of phenotypes in diagnosed individuals. I'm investigating the role of RNA and non-coding elements in understanding their relationship.

Hobbies: Exploring a variety of beverages.

森本 俊

Suguru Morimoto

Graduate student

I aim to deepen my understanding of transcription regulation mechanisms and conduct research that can contribute to patients suffering from hematopoietic tumors. I have a particular interest in the effects of non-coding region mutations on transcription activity and splicing abnormalities.

I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Kyoto University in 2019 and worked as a resident in the Department of Hematology at Kyoto University Hospital and the Hyogo Prefectural Amagasaki General Medical Center. Since the sixth year of the Reiwa era (2024), I have been enrolled in the doctoral program of Hematology and Oncology at the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University.
安原 聡志

Satoshi Yasuhara

Graduate student

I want to build on my clinical experience and take a broad perspective in my research.

In my spare time, I enjoy indulging in ice cream, exploring the underwater world through diving, and immersing myself in indie games.

Graduated from Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine in 2018.
He worked as a ophthalmologist at Kyoto University Hospital and Japanese Red Cross Wakayama Medical Center.
He enrolled at the Department of Ophthalmology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in 2024.

Research student

水上 貴裕

Takahiro Mizukami

Research student

I would like to understand how ocular diseases develop and how can we treat them in order to save patients from vision loss.

Hobby: Travelling, Tennis

Graduated Keio University School of Medicine in 2014. Worked at National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Keio University Hospital, Hakuhoukai. Founded web-based medical history taking service called “Melp” and sold this service to JMDC. Currently working at Fuchu Eye Center, Osaka.

International Guest Scholar

黄 万旭

Wanxu Huang

International Guest Scholar

I am interested in RNA biology, especially long non-coding RNA and RNA modification, with their roles and application in cancer. I am also interested in cancer epigenetics and cancer drug discovery.

Hobbies: hiking, reading, photography

He graduated from China Medical University in Shenyang, China (2008), and then he obtained Doctor’ Degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (2013). He has joined in Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Sun Yat-sen University and Bioland Laboratory in Guangzhou, China. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in Shenyang Pharmaceutical University and Adjunct Investigator in The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University.

Undergraduate student

近藤 真也

Masaya Kondo

Undergraduate student

I would like to learn how to make the most of the advantages of statistics to discover hidden macroscopic regularities in RNA sequences. Also, I hope to try doing wet experiments someday.

三間 慈音

John Zamma

Undergraduate student

I enjoy spending time thinking about the meaning of life and the reasons behind our deep drive to pass down our souls. The more we understand the subtle mechanisms we follow, the more it seems to me like a divine power might be orchestrating nature's intricate workings. At the same time, I find pleasure in exploring unknown processes in which gene expressions are carefully regulated. Along with my scientific interests, I also like engaging in sports and music.

石橋 旺士郎

Ojiro Ishibashi

Undergraduate student

I want to study not only genomics but also many other things and combine them to create something unique and interesting of my own.

I like playing with dogs and delicious food and drinks.

Visiting researcher(RIKEN)

小松 秀一郎

Shuichiro Komatsu

Visiting researcher(RIKEN)

Post-Doctoral researcher (IFOM-RIKEN)

フェデリコ デ マルキ

Federico De Marchi

Post-Doctoral researcher (IFOM-RIKEN)

I would like to understand how cancer develops and why it’s so different from patients to patients: I believe the answers are somewhere written hidden in our genome and could be the keys to cure these diseases. My mission is then to try to decipher this extraordinary complex puzzle while enjoying the challenge.
In my free time I especially like food (eating) and old videogames.

He graduated in Medicine from the University of Udine (Italy) (2011), where he also completed his residency in Hematology (2017), working on the molecular and clinical aspects of blood cancer. He spent one year as a fellow in the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory at John Hopkins University (USA) before moving to Japan, where he got his phD from Juntendo University in Tokyo (Komatsu laboratory), focusing on the molecular characteristics of myeloproliferative neoplasms (2022).

Technical staff(RIKEN)

佐野 浩美

Hiromi Sano

Technical staff(RIKEN)

Research associate(RIKEN)/ Specially Appointed Researcher(Kyoto University)

小口 綾貴子

Akiko Oguchi

Research associate(RIKEN)/ Specially Appointed Researcher(Kyoto University)

My dream is to be able to create a new therapeutic drug for kidney diseases and to be able to reduce the number of dialysis patients.
I am working on our research, feeling the potential of RNAs for drug discovery. Please visit the following link ( ).

Favorite things: Hana (my beloved dog), drinking, traveling

After graduating from Kyoto University School of Medicine in 2012, she worked as a resident and a fellow at Kyoto University Hospital and Kyoto City Hospital. 2017-2022 Doctoral Program, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Prof. Motoko Yanagita). 2018-2022, Junior research associate, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences. 2022- Research associate at the same institute.
孫 楽

Raku Son

Research associate(RIKEN)/ Specially Appointed Researcher(Kyoto University)

I never imagined starting programming as a Ph.D. student but it is fun and opened up a new world! All the patients with acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease that I met during the residency keep me motivated as a researcher to change the actual clinical practice.
The favorite field in Nephrology: hyponatremia

She graduated from Kyoto University School of Medicine in 2013. After the completion of the residency/fellowship in St. Luke’s International hospital, she became board-certificated in nephrology and as the Fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine (FJSIM). She entered the Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University (Prof. Motoko Yanagita) in 2020 and works as a Junior research associate at RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences since 2021.

Junior research associate(RIKEN)/ Specially Appointed Researcher(Kyoto University)

平井 公也

Tomoya Hirai

Junior research associate(RIKEN)/ Specially Appointed Researcher(Kyoto University)

Tomoya is belonging to the Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama City University, and thankfully he had the opportunity to study in Murakawa Group. He is interested in the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and lymph node metastasis in the gastrointestinal field.

Student Trainee(RIKEN)

佐井 裕紀

Hiroki Sai

Student Trainee(RIKEN)

Genomic medicine has also come to be used in clinical practice in urology. I hope to conduct research that will lead to new diagnoses and treatments.

After graduating from Nagoya University in 2018, he worked as a urologist at Japanese Red Cross Aichi Medical Center Nagoya Daiichi (1st) Hospital, and Nagoya University Hospital. He entered the doctoral program at the Department of Urology, Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University in 2023. From 2024, He is a member of Murakawa Group at RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences.


岡本 恵理

Eri Okamoto


片山 沙代

Sayo Katayama


Research administrative assistant(RIKEN)

大津 綾

Aya Otsu

Research administrative assistant(RIKEN)