Pathway identification from iPSC to primordial germ cell like cell (PGCLC) by using mapper
In the mathematics group of ASHBi, we develop novel methodologies for analyzing multi-hierarchical and large scale omics data in multi-species and multi-cell types by using topological data analysis, dynamical systems, machine learnings etc. Based on these mathematical methods, we try to identify the principles of the emergence of species differences among humans, non-human primates, and rodents, allowing better extrapolation of the knowledge from model organisms to humans as well as providing insights into the principles for the creation of organismal diversity through evolution.
In addition, we challenge various life science problems by constructing mathematical models.
ASHBi realizes the interdisciplinary researches through tight cooperation among the mathematics group, life science groups, and the core for single-cell genome information analysis. In particular, 1) scientists in life science groups provide scientists in the mathematic group with intensive lectures for genome science and species differences, and establish a system for mathematical scientists to truly understand the cutting-edge knowledge and issues in life science; and 2) scientists in mathematical science train scientists in life science for advanced mathematical analyses and establish a system for life scientists to gain the capacity to develop new analytical methods and perform in depth analysis of the data. This system is critical to foster life scientists with capability for cutting-edge mathematical analysis. ASHBi also creates ample opportunities for specific problem-oriented discussions among postdocs and students, and for small-scale joint lab meetings to facilitate interdisciplinary science.