October 17, 2024
Hiiragi Group has published a research article titled ‘Temporal Variability and Cell Mechanics Control Robustness in Mammalian Embryogenesis’ in Science. In the article, the researchers have found that the randomness in when and how cells divide facilitates embryos to develop properly.
Hiiragi Group, ASHBi/Kyoto University
How the embryos manage to develop in a robust and predictable way despite the spontaneous and intrinsic noise in space and time? In this study, they investigated this long-standing question in embryology. They found that cells divide more and more asynchronously over time, which increases the temporal variability and facilitates the spatial convergence of the embryos towards a robust and energetically optimal cell organisation.
Fabreges, D., Corominas-Murtra, B., Moghe, P., Kickuth, A., Ichikawa, T., Iwatani, C., Tsukiyama, T., Daniel, N., Gering, J., Stokkermans, A., Wolny, A., Kreshuk, A., Duranthon, V., Hiiragi, T. (2024). Temporal variability and cell mechanics control robustness in mammalian embryogenesis. Science https://doi.org/10.1126/science.adh1145