February 5, 2025
We will have ASHBi Distingshed Seminar with Dr. Paul Freemont from Imperial College London.
Prof. Paul Freemont is the Head of Structural and Synthetic Biology at Imperial College London. Although he is renowned for his earlier work on crystal structures of DNA repair and modification enzymes as well as the identification of the RING finger domain, more recently, his interests have shifted to synthetic biology. He co-founded the Imperial College Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation and then after the National UK Innovation and Knowledge Centre for Synthetic Biology (SynbiCITE). In 2016, he also became the director of the London BioFoundry. In this seminar, he will be sharing his insights on how to successfully commercialize academic discovery pipelines.
If you have any interest in the topic, you are welcome to attend this seminar.
"The UK vision for an Engineering Biology ecosystem – from Academia to Commercialisation"
Paul Freemont Ph.D.
Professor, Imperial College London
↑ Pre-registered participants only ↑
[note] On-site participation will be closed when capacity of 40 is reached.
Academic researchers and students
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